28 Jan 2014

Send Friend Request on Facebook When Blocked

As you know after sending too many requests several times Facebook often block sending friend request for several days.
So here is a Trick from which one can easily send request with his/her blocked account. Thousands of friend requests can be send by this Trick by not getting account suspended. So here is the Trick to How to Send Friend Request on Facebook when blocked. You have to follow some easy steps.

27 Jan 2014

Visible Online for Whom You want

Now you can visible online for whom you want. By using this trick you can chat with only whom you want. Just follow these simple steps.

Post Facebook Status In All Groups At One Click

It is easy to post your status on your wall. When comes you have to post status in all groups it takes much time and even it is hard task. By using simple app it is easy you can post in all Facebook groups at one Click.

Go to Multi post application and login with Facebook.

You can also use another app click here

26 Jan 2014

Find Who Unfriend You On Facebook

Facebook have so many smart features. Adding Friends is one of them. You can add upto 5000 Friend in your list. After adding huge list of friends it's not easy to find who unfriend you. So here is a trick to find who unfriend you on Facebook  Just follow this simple steps.

Step 1 - Download simple software -  i.e unfriend alerts

To Download - Click here

Step 2 - As soon as you downloaded it and on your computer you will get an extension with full instalation steps.when you open your facebook account you can see it...... see below picture
the two arrow marks in the above picture show who unfirend you. You will  also get a notification when some one friends you. It helps you when some one friend you on facebook, you can also see  pending requests and persons who ignored your friend request.
I hope you like this post thank you to visit our blog Your FB Status. If you want to know about any Facebook Tips and Trick feel free to comment below. We would be happy to help you always.  

Create a Video From Your Facebook Pictures

Facebook is a Social Network where mostly people use to share their Pictures with their friends. 
So now you can create a video with your Facebook pictures.

It is so easy you can go to Pixable.com and login with your Facebook account. And create a video from your Facebook Pictures.

Download Facebook Videos Easily

Facebook is a world-wide most popular Social Network. There are lot's of photos and Videos which people like and share. Sometimes they want to Download Video from Facebook. So here is the easiest way to Download Video from Facebook.  

Download Facebook Video by Online :-

In this process you just need to enter the URL in download column you provided. 
click here and enter the URL.
that's it your video is ready to downlaod when you click start download button.

Download Facebook Video by Extension :-

In this process you just need to get Extention for your browser
click here to get chrome extention for your browser.
As soon as you get the above Extention it will install on your Browser and you will find a button upper right corner of your browser as like in above picture.

Send free SMS From Facebook

If you are daily Facebook user then you will be happy to know that you can send SMS from Facebook.there is no country restriction.your message sending is instant and takes only few seconds to reach anywhere. You have to follow this simple steps.
Step 1 -  just go to Facebook chat application.
Step 2 - then you can find screen alert as Shown in below picture.
Step 3 - enter the details and your message

Note :- You can send only 4 SMS per day of each limited up to 100 letters.

How to Remove Facebook adds

As you know there are so many advertising in Facebook. Sometimes it's feel very annoy.You can Remove Facebook adds by using  Facebook cleaner.

In the above photo you can see an arrow indicating towards some Adds by using Facebook Cleaner you can remove Annoying Facebook Adds.

23 Jan 2014

How to See/Cancel all Sent Friend Request on Facebook

Welcome back to our blog Your FB Status. Here we are showing you How to see or Cancel all Sent Friend Request.

Just follow the link and you get your all Sent Friends Request check and cancel them - Click Here

Convert Your Facebook Account/Profile to a Facebook Page

Welcome back to our blog Your FB Status. Here we are going to tell you How to convert any Facebook account/profile to a Facebook Page.
When you convert your personal account to a Facebook Page, a business account will be created to manage your Page. It'll transfer your current profile picture and add of all your friends and followers as people who like your Page. Your account's username will become the username for your Page, and the name associated with your personal account will become your Page's name. If you want your Page to have a different name, consider creating a new one .
No other content will be carried over to your new Page, so be sure to save any important information before converting your account. You can:

20 Jan 2014

Facebook Photo Verification Trick 2015

Sometimes Facebook community block your id for some invalid activities then you got a option of Photo Verification to login your account. Its not easy to remember all photos information about your friends. So here is a latest Trick of 2015 to Verify Photos on Facebook. Just follow this Simple steps.

Step 1 - Go to Google images search

Step 2 - Type Facebook "name of 1st friend" copy and paste from blocked account

19 Jan 2014

Publish Unpublished Facebook Pages

Welcome back to our Blog Your FB Status. As you know here you find Best Facebook Tips and Trick. So today we are showing you how to Publish Unpublished Facebook Pages.  
Before you proceed, Please ensure
that you are not banned from
admining pages.
Step 1 - Create a new Facebook page and name it after the page that is already blocked, the one which you want to republish.

Step 2 - You must get more likes on the new page than the one which is blocked. Suppose that the unpublished page has 1000 likes, you must get at least 1001 likes on the new page to republish it.

18 Jan 2014

Change Facebook Account/Profile Name After Crossing Limit

As we know that Facebook has their own security standard. Facebook's name policy requires all members to provide their real first and last names. Sometimes we use our nick name or fake name for our Facebook account upto 5 times. But we can't change our Facebook Account name after crossing the limit. After all this Facebook gives us a chance to Change it by sending Community Forum. So here is the Steps to Change Facebook Account/Profile Name After Crossing Limit.

17 Jan 2014

Log in From Multiple Facebook IDs.

Welcome Back to our Blog You FB Status. here we are going to tell you about a Simple Trick to Log in different Facebook ids at a time ( How to Use Multiple Facebook Account ). Just Follow this simple steps.

Get Rid of Photo Verification on Facebook

Facebook has their own security standard. Sometimes it block your id for some invalid activity then you got a option of Photo Verification to login your own account. And it's not easy to get rid of photo verification.
So today here we are going to tell you how to Get Rid of Photo Verification on Facebook. After following this simple Steps you can secure your Facebook Account.
After doing all this steps your id will never get block and no photo verification will be there so be happy and proceed further.
( NOTE : It work with latest account)

Take Screenshot From Mobile

Here is Useful Tips to Take Screenshot from Mobile via different Methods.

1. Screenshot from Java

a)- first download this UC Version from Click here
after downloading. Simply install it. Then for screenshot simply go to - 
settings > tools > screenshot
after screenshot been shot. Click save and there you get a screenshot.

Note- if you unable to use the above one. You can alternately use next version.

Get Reply Button In Facebook Profile/Timeline Tricks

Today we are giving you Tricks to adding reply button within your Facebook account. As everyone know this feature is only available for Facebook Pages. Where particular reply feature is available which helps to reply each and every fan. It helps in creating separate discussion area where other discussion comment will not messed up.
But Facebook does not have introduce option for Ids. So here is 2 Tricks to get Reply button in Facebook Profile/Id.

16 Jan 2014

Facebook Page sharing by mobile

Welcome back to our blog Your FB Status. Today we have a simple Tip to how to Sharing Facebook Page via Mobile.

Tips to Facebook Page sharing by Mobile

You Should Also Installed Page Manager App In You Android Cell Sharing By UC Browser:

14 Jan 2014

Remove Facebook Seen Option in Chat

Facebook has Included Seen Option in Facebook Chat that allows Users to Know whether the Message You have Sent to Your Friends is Seen by Your Friend or Not.Though it is a Very useful Feature but it creates Problem for You When You Don’t want to Reply to Your Friend or Want to Ignore his Messages since because of this Seen Option your Friend will easily Know that You are Ignoring his Messages. Therefore Here below is the Trick on How to remove Facebook Seen Option in Chat.

13 Jan 2014

Verify Your Facebook Page or Profile

Welcome back to our blog Your FB Status where you find  Facebook status, tips and tricks. So today we are discussing about "How To Verify Your Facebook Page or Profile". Just follow these steps to become Verified.
According to this new option some pages and Profiles are  claim as Official and verified by Facebook. You may observe on many profiles and pages their is Blue Color Tick Badge just in the next of name.

Trick to Create Blank Name Facebook Fan Page

Today we are going to tell you how to create blank name Facebook fan page. You have to follow this simple steps.

Step 1 - Log in to your Facebook Account then go to create new page or Click here

Step 2 - Select any category which you want.

Do Not Click Valentine Spam Link on Facebook

Now-a-days some Valentine link on Facebook can spam your account. When People are Clicking those link, they are getting spammed badly. If anyone has clicked it please remove it from your app list and check your activity log. Please must Share this message with your friends !!

12 Jan 2014

Airtel Unlimited Downloading Latest Trick 2015

  Airtel Unlimited Downloading Latest Trick 2015

HI friends Good news for you..
Today we are sharing Airtel Unlimited Downloading Latest Trick 2014 with you.
And if your Luck is good.. Then

it also work in Blocked sim.
In 3G it gives 300 - 400 kbps
speed and In 2G 100 -150 kbps
Here is some setting you have to change. 

BSNL Free Internet Trick 2014

Here is BSNL Free Internet Trick 2014. This is 100% Working Trick.

Step 1 -  make sure that balance is less than rs.1 (always be secure)

Step 2 - make the setting given

SIM Unblocking Trick 2014

Here is SIM unblocking trick 2014. 

This is 100 % Working trick. Just follow this simple steps.

Step 1 -  Remove your Sim card.

Step 2 -  Put it into unable GPRS phone like 1100,1280,1202 etc,

Aircel Free 3G Internet Trick

Aircel Free 3G Internet 100 % Working Trick

Below are the steps for AIRCEL unlimted 3G GPRS. Either create a new setting or edit the existing setting.

Name - Aircel GPRS

APN - aircelwap

IP address -

Vodafone Free Internet Trick In Opera Mini

Vodafone Free Internet Trick In Opera Mini 

This Trick is 100%
working in Opera Mini handler.

Create a new setting

APN - www
Port- 80

Opera Mini Trick for Airtel

Opera Mini Trick for Airtel. Just save following settings.

Apn = Airtelgprs.com

proxy =

Port = 80

open Any Opera Handler
proxy Type = Http
proxy Server = Live.airtelworld.com

Dont be a Silent User
comment If Working

Change Any Facebook Page Name Without any Symbol

Today we are going to show you how to change any Facebook Page name Without any Symbol. Just follow this step by step method.

Use Proxy: port 3128
NOTE :- NET will slow

Go in page's update info then Translated name

11 Jan 2014

Make Two Facebook Profile Pictures at a Time

You can make two Facebook Profile Pictures at a time. First profile picture is primary profile picture and second Picture will be appear on your Timeline. Just follow this simple steps.

Step 1 : In a new tab,
Go to here - https://www.facebook.com/me/photos_albums 
Now open your "Profile Pictures" album and select any picture which you want to use it as your Primary picture.

10 Jan 2014

Airtel GPRS Trick Latest 2014


Use Below setting in your Mobile phone or Android

Phone Proxy =
Port = 80
Apn = airtelgprs.com
Homepage = OR OR

Now Just save and restart your Phone and Done.

Enjoy Friends !!

How To See A Woman

This message is for men of the world.  Please Must Read and share more and more Everywhere !!!

"How To See A Woman"

Father to Son :-
Hey, come here.
Let me talk to you.
I saw you look at her.
I’m not judging you or shaming you. I know why you did.
I get it.

9 Jan 2014

Update Facebook Status In Blue Text

Update Facebook Status In Blue Text..!!

This trick is really Impressive and easy , Its make your status Unique and Different from Others status..!!

Just copy the below code and paste in your status, but don't forget to remove all + sign and spaces between below code ..(eg. See below image)
Code is

@@+[0:[629405347119515]:1:text that you want to display] @+[629405347119515:0]

..(eg. See below image)
Enjoy Friends !!!!

The Little Girl In This Picture

The little girl in this picture was about crossing
the road, not knowing that a vehicle was coming
towards her direction which knocked her down.
According to the news information, she was
rushed to the hospital by the owner of the
vehicle {the person who's carrying the little girl
in this picture}. Getting to the hospital, the little
collapse and couldn't move or talk again due to
excess bleeding. Though she's still alive breathing
through Oxygen. Our prayers can bring her back
to life, may the almighty God bring her back to
live In Jesus Name.
I declare that every Hand that type Amen will
never experience sorrow & untimely death in
their family. Amen!
Type Amen in below comment box if you have Human sympathy and
you value a human soul...
Ignore this if you're heartless.


I was walking around in a Big Bazaar store

Really heart touching.........

I was walking around in a Big Bazaar store making shopping, when I saw a Cashier talking to a boy couldn't have been more than 5 or 6 years old..

The Cashier said, 'I'm sorry, but you don't have enough money to buy this doll. Then the little boy turned to me and asked: ''Uncle, are you sure I don't have enough money?''

I counted his cash and replied: ''You know that you don't have enough money to buy the doll, my dear.'' The little boy was still holding the doll in his hand.

Finally, I walked toward him and I asked him who he wished to give this doll to. 'It's the doll that my sister loved most and wanted so much . I wanted to Gift her for her BIRTHDAY.

I have to give the doll to my mommy so that she can give it to my sister when she goes there.' His eyes were so sad while saying this. 'My Sister has gone to be with God.. Daddy says that Mommy is going to see God very soon too, so I thought that she could take the doll with her to give it to my sister...''

My heart nearly stopped. The little boy looked up at me and said: 'I told daddy to tell mommy not to go yet. I need her to wait until I come back from the mall.' Then he showed me a very nice photo of him where he was laughing. He then told me 'I want mommy to take my picture with her so my sister won't forget me.' 'I love my mommy and I wish she doesn't have to leave me, but daddy says that she has to go to be with my little sister.' Then he looked again at the doll with sad eyes, very quietly..

I quickly reached for my wallet and said to the boy. 'Suppose we check again, just in case you do have enough money for the doll?''

'OK' he said, 'I hope I do have enough.' I added some of my money to his with out him seeing and we started to count it. There was enough for the doll and even some spare money.

The little boy said: 'Thank you God for giving me enough money!'

Then he looked at me and added, 'I asked last night before I went to sleep for God to make sure I had enough money to buy this doll, so that mommy could give It to my sister. He heard me!'' 'I also wanted to have enough money to buy a white rose for my mommy, but I didn't dare to ask God for too much. But He gave me enough to buy the doll and a white rose. My mommy loves white roses.'

I finished my shopping in a totally different state from when I started. I couldn't get the little boy out of my mind. Then I remembered a local news paper article two days ago, which mentioned a drunk man in a truck, who hit a car occupied by a young woman and a little girl. The little girl died right away, and the mother was left in a critical state. The family had to decide whether to pull the plug on the life-sustaining machine, because the young woman would not be able to recover from the coma. Was this the family of the little boy?

Two days after this encounter with the little boy, I read in the news paper that the young woman had passed away.. I couldn't stop myself as I bought a bunch of white roses and I went to the funeral home where the body of the young woman was exposed for people to see and make last wishes before her burial. She was there, in her coffin, holding a beautiful white rose in her hand with the photo of the little boy and the doll placed over her chest. I left the place, teary-eyed, feeling that my life had been changed for ever...

The love that the little boy had for his mother and his sister is still, to this day, hard to imagine. And in a fraction of a second, a drunk driver had taken all this away from him.


Now you have 2 choices:

1) Forward this message, or

2) Ignore it as if it never touched your heart.

For those who prefer to think that God is not watching over us.... go ahead and delete this. For the rest of us..... pass this on.

The value of a man or woman resides in what he or she gives, not in what they are capable of receiving.

7 Jan 2014


Auto Tag/Mention Your Friends On Facebook Status

Today we are Showing you how to Auto Tag/Mention Your Friends On Facebook Status. Just follow the below steps to Tag/MentionYour Friends in Facebook Status. (Only Work On Chrome Web Browser)

Step 1 - First Copy all the Codes From Download Here

Step 2 - Login into your Facebook account

Step 3 - Go to Your Post Click and find (hours ago) (Second ago) (minutes ago) On your post

Step 4 - Press F12 on your keyboard (or) Press Ctrl+Shift+J and Select Console tab

Step 5 - Paste all the code as shown in the picture given below

Step 6 - And Hit the Enter

6 Jan 2014

I love education..

I love education
But without examination. :P 

Its a FACT...

Its a FACT whether you
Agree or Disagree…
“Crushes would be USELESS,
if you dont have a best friend to talk about
them…!!!” ;)

Facebook Blank Comment Trick

If you want to Update your Status or comment as Blank then copy the below code..


then remove + from this and update your status/comment blank.

Enjoy Friends this amazing Trick !!     

Invite All Friends to a Facebook Event/Page at Once

Here we are going to tell you how to Invite All Friends to a Facebook Event/Page at once. So you have to follow this simple steps. 

Step 1 -  Click Invite Friends on whatever you are inviting people to.

Step 2 - In the dropdown next to the search box, click Search All Friends.

Step 3 - Scroll ALL the way down until names stop loading (I found it easy to click the first name and then hold down the space bar or Page Down button)

Step 4 - For Events copy this code:
javascript:elms=document.getElementsByName(“checkableitems[]“);for (i=0;i<elms.length;i++){if (elms[i].type=”checkbox” )elms[i].click()}

For Pages copy this code:
javascript:var inputs = document.getElementsByClassName(‘uiButton _1sm’);
for(var i=0; i<inputs.length;i++) {

Step 5 - Press F12 on your keyboard and click the “Console” tab

Step 6 - Paste the code into the box at the bottom and press enter

 it will start inviting your friends. 

Enjoy Friends !! 

4 Jan 2014

Alok Nath Funny Jokes

Alok Nath is being so funny now a days because his Sanskari attitude. So here is some funny lines and jokes on Alok Nath ji.
1- alok nath never played angry birds becz according to his sanskar kisi ko bhi maarna paap h....

2- Alok Nath's BBM pin is 5AN5KAR

3- Salman Khan is Virgin.. . Because , He fell in love with Alok Nath's daughter in his first movie - . "Maine Pyar Kiya"as a hero. .  n as suffering from Alok Nath's Shrap-Salman made a movie " Maine Pyar Kyu kiya "

4 - Alok Nath is so Sanskari That when he heard the song gandi baat. he put gangajal in his ears.

5- Gabbar Singh: koson door jab kis gaon mai koi shadi hoti hai to ladki ki maa ladki se kehti hai "beti bhag ja warna Alok ji kanyadaan karne aa jayenge".

6- Alok nath tample run b chappal utaar kar khelte hai.

7-  Once Alok Nath touches a bottle of water
Water turned into gangajaal.

8- Latest news update:
For purification of Ganga river, government is requesting Alok Nath Ii to take bath in it !!!!!

9- Normally People: Wo do PARTY All night...
Alok Nath: I do AARTI all night.

10-  when Alok Nath searches on google..
it changes from
I am feeling lucky
I am feeling sanskari.

11-   When Alok Nath was born
doctor said-
badhaai ho..
beti ka baap hua h !!

12- Alok Nath's CV reads:
Degree - MBA in Kanyaadan

Skills - Sanskaar

Experience -10022848 Kanyaadans done

Hobby - Giving Ashirwaads!

13- Alok nath is the type of man to lick his finger before
he turn the page on an iPad.

14- Alok Nath is neither "masahari" or "shakahari".
He's "Sanskari".

15-  Normally People: All Indians Are My Brothers And Sisters.
Alok Nath: All Indians Are My Samdhi And Samshans..

16- Honey Singh: Chhoti Dress me bomb lagdi mainu.
Alok Nath: Chhoti Dress me thand lag jayegi beti.

17- Alok Nath: Arohi
Arohi: Kya??
Alok Nath: Kuch nahi, bus apna kanyadaan mujhse hi karwana..

18- Alok ji ne
Shadi me Damad ko CHESS Gift Diya...
Damad : Ye Kya majak hai sasur ji ??
Alok ji : Tamanna thi, Beti ko Shadi me HATHI, GHODE, UNTH, NAUKAR-CHAKAR Dun, Aaj Meri Iccha Puri Ho Gayi..

19- Alok Nath went to Haridwar for his honeymoon.

20- Alok Nath's Favorite Atta Is
Aashirvaad Atta !!

21- Alok Nath wants Facebook to add ‘Aashirwad’ button.

22- The only two wars Alok Nath has seen in his life:-
.Haridwar and Pariwar.

23-  Alok nath
.The one & only virgin father

24- Alok Nath was d first person to call "Parle" as "Parle-G"

(Sanskaar you know :p)

25- Aloknath apne kutte ko bhi "JI" karke bulate he...

Facebook Page Name Change Trick 2015 Latest (100 % Working Trick)

You can not change your Facebook Page name after 200 likes. After all some Tricks might help you to do so. But now Facebook Engineers understood our Tricks and Ban all the Tricks. Today we are going to tell you about Latest Trick of change Facebook Page name. Difficult method but 100 % Working Trick. You have to follow this Steps.    

 Step 1 - Download "Switchy" extension for Google chrome and then save this:-
Proxy:- Port:- 8080

Step 2 - Go to the page and click on "Update Page Info" and then click on "translated names".

Must Read :- Top 50 Facebook Tips and Tricks Of All Time 

Step 3 - Right click on "Arabic" and then click on "Inspect Element".

Step 4 - When the script copies the whole Arabic portion, then paste this code over there <tr class="_1hoi dataRow"><th class="label">English:</th><td class="data"><input type="text" class="inputtext" name="en_XX"></ td></tr>

Step 5 - Wait for 10-15 seconds then close the script.

 Step 6 - Now you will see in place of Arabic... it will be written "English'...

Step 7 - Now just write the desired name and then save the changes. (Name should not contain any special characters)

Step 8 - Now click on "Address" and then save this address.... Jordan Amman, Jordan 00000

 Step 9 - Now refresh your browser and click on switchy and change the proxy to "Direct Connection"

  Now you can see your page is renamed.

Enjoy friends !!!
If you want to ask any question just drop your Precious comment below we would be happy to help you always.

Facebook Page Rename Trick 2015 Working Officially Legal Method -

Fully Explained ,

Watch Video !!!

Also Read :-

Verify Your Facebook Page or Profile

Publish Unpublished Facebook Pages

Facebook Page Permanent Admin Trick

Facebook Page sharing by mobile

Trick to Create Blank Name Facebook Fan Page

2 Jan 2014

Add All Friends To Facebook Group In One Click ( Latest Trick 2015 )

Welcome back to our blog here we are going to tell how to Add All Friends To Facebook Group In One Click. Its very simple trick just follow this simple Steps.

Step 1 - Open the Group where you want to add your friends.
 ♦ As you seen in below image, Presently i have only 2 friends in a group.

Step 2 - You need to download one code from here. ( Download Now ) . it,s notepad file and it’s look like below image. Open this notepad file and press the Ctrl + A to select all the document.

Step 3 - Now you need to be open your browser console. To open browser console in  Google Chrome press CTRL+Shift+j   and for Firefox browser press CTRL+Shift+k .

Now Paste your code that you  copied from the above link in the console mode and press Enter.

it will start adding your friend. 
it will detect your all friends and it will add it. 
Now click on the Refresh Page to update your list.
Finally i added new 373 friends in my group with one click. 
Enjoy this trick. 

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